Jocelyn Michel (Sole trader)
State-certified caving and canyoning instructor
Saint-Louis, Reunion Island
SIRET : 419 831 920 000480 00048
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In accordance with the laws governing the ownership of literary and artistic rights or other similar rights, all the elements, trademarks, names, photographs, drawings, models, logos, graphics, colour codes, etc. found on this site are the exclusive property of the relevant entities of Profundo or of its partners or suppliers, who do not grant Profundo any licence or any right other than that of consulting the site. The reproduction or use of all or part of these elements is authorised solely for the purposes of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes being expressly prohibited. Any other use constitutes an infringement and is punishable under Intellectual Property law, unless prior written authorisation has been obtained from Profundo.
Website development
Website designed specifically for Profundo and produced with passion by LeWeboskop
This site was funded by the ERDF as part of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Europe is committed to Réunion.
Your comments
Profundo, by Jocelyn Michel
(Sole trader)
SIRET : 419 831 920 00048
Copyright © 2024 Profundo