It's the most accessible way to discover this unique environment hidden right beneath our feet!
After a few explanations of the landscape surrounding the lava flow 2004In this way, you can discover the main formations that make up this exceptional site in an easy, fun way.
The outing is tailor-made for you and is divided between exploration and explanations of the construction of the lava tunnel and its original formations, as well as the workings of Réunion's volcanoes (according to your expectations, of course, no geology course required...). Understand while having a great time!
As the coulée network stretches for several kilometres and has many entrances, we can tailor the outing to your requirements: a 'leisurely' visit or exploration of more challenging sections, or even narrower sections for the more adventurous (and therefore less frequented).
Passages are generally wide and comfortable, but it is necessary to bend over regularly and crawl a few metres (the more adventurous can try narrower passages...). The environment is also hot and humid, and sweating is often unavoidable.
Helmets fitted with caving lights, comfortable knee pads and cut-resistant gloves.
Prévoyez : – -Pantalon léger, t-shirt, chaussures fermées en bon état. Bouteille d’eau, petit sac à dos K-way en cas de pluie, vêtements de change Petit sac étanche ou plastique (pour vos papiers et portables), Petite veste l’hiver pour l’extérieur. Avoir mangé avant la sortie.
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Profundo, by Jocelyn Michel
(Sole trader)
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